Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Photo by Daniel Ernst

Thanks to some great teamwork by our students on Team 70, they qualified for the Final matches along with their Blue Alliance team members, the Killer Bees (Team 33 from Pontiac, MI) and the HOT Team ('Heroes of Tomorrow' - Team 67 from Milford, MI).  This alliance defeated the opposition to bring home the gold for the 2011 Michigan State Championship!


Team 494 also did an outstanding job of competing through the qualification rounds, but unfortunately were eliminated in the semifinals.  We are proud of our Martian Team Members for a solid performance at the State level.

                                             In one match, during the quarterfinals, Team 70 and Team 494 were on opposing Alliances. As can be seen from this photo, the Drive Team for 70 is positioned adjacent to the Human Player for Team 494.

Some of the Team 70 members prepare for a visit from the judges in the pit area.

A very rare moment when the 494 pit was empty - the team members were attending a mandatory driver informational meeting. 

Members of the 70 Drive Team await the display of their scores following quarterfinal matchplay.

You will see some of the most unique costumes at FIRST competitions - these shoes from Team 469's "Las Guerillas" are awesome! 

Team Spirit is a huge part of the FIRST Robotics Competitions and the Martians made their mark with tatoos and face paintings of Lady Martian heads and team numbers!

This is a future FIRST kid and Martian fan for sure!

Some of our talented Lady Martians created Martian Plushie Dolls to trade and give away during the competitions. A team table in the display lobby made the perfect spot for the plushie giveaway and many children were thrilled to receive this collectible after completing a breif performance of talent for us. 

We made the older studetnts work for it and were pleasantly surprised at the wide variety of talents on display - what people will do for a Martian Plushie Doll is truly amazing! 

During the ever-so critical alliance selections, mentors frequently compare notes as to their choices for best partnered teams.  In this photo, one of our mentors consults with a mentor from a West Michigan team - also his own brother!

Robot Inspectors are critical during FRC Events to ensure the safety of the participants as well as spectators!

Martian Team 70 drivers carry their robot onto the playing field just prior to a semifinal match.

Some very tense moments were encountered during the Finals when Team 70 used a time out to repair a bad cRIO, which is a compact device that controls the input and output signals to the robot.  Fortunately, we were able to swap out the bad part with one from our Team 494 robot - another outstanding display of gracious professionalism and Martian teamwork under pressure!

Fortunately for us, victory did prevail! Team 70 members enjoyed flexing their muscles for the TV cameras following their capture of the gold with the Red Alliance partners!

Scouting the other teams' potential is a critical part of the game strategy when it comes to chosing the best alliance partners in the semifinal matches.  The scouts of Team 494 did an outstanding job of providing critical performance information to both teams in the final hours of the competition.

Alliance teams often plan strategy as to which robot will perform offense versus defense.  In this photo, Team 494 discusses strategy with their alliance teams, The Chimeras (Team 1684) and rookie Team 3548 (The Battering Rams). 

One of the members from Team 494 studies the match times and prepares the robot in the pit.

Members from Team 70 also study match sheets and perform last minute reviews of the programming before the quarterfinals.

A silent moment of meditation before a match never hurts!

As mentioned above, team spirit means alot at a FIRST event, so all members get fired up for each competition and show their spirit with many creative means!

If you are a button collector, FIRST events are the place for you! Virtually every team has a button to give away or trade for trinkets - just part of the fun at FIRST Robotics Events!

 Martian Team members take time out for a delicious frozen beverage with out of this world flavor!

The drive team for 70 waits in the queue line with their robot during the semifinal matches.

Thumbs up from Team 70 after an exciting win in the final match against the Blue Alliance!

The drive teams from 494 and 70 confer in the queue line as they prepare for tne next match.


Team Mascots create alot of excitement! Our Team 494 Martian stands with the Gorilla from the Las Guerillas Team 469.

A Team 70 mentor coaches our Human Player in the strategy of launching the 'Uber' Tubes.

A much needed lunch break before returning to the 70 pit.

Extreme excitement following the final match when the Red Alliance took the gold!

Team members from 494 give a congratulatory hug to our Team 70 driver!

A Gearhead from Team 1918 (left) and "The FEDS" from Team 201.

A Dragon and a Penguin round out the mascot cheers!

FIRST Teams have creative attire that is sometimes quite entertaining!

The "Average Joe's" and the "Wo-Bots" are two such examples.

These four members of Team 2619 created their light up neckties using P-wire and a battery pack. A parent mentor painted the robot image on each tie and designed the color scheme to match their team logo and name - "The Charge".

  Many teams try to color coordinate their robots with their team attire, but in this case it would seem "da Bears" from Team 247 in Berkley,MI, seem to have coordinated with Team 2604 from Capac, MI "Metal and Soul"!

Our Goodrich Martian Team Plushie Dolls end up in the most unusual places at FIRST Robotics competitions (right). In this case it was hanging from the pit of an opposing team.  The pig plushie (left) is wedged between the jaws of a robot end effector while a team from Sault St. Marie, MI - Team 1596 - waited in the queue line for their next match.

Thank you to all our sibbling, parent and grandparent supporters who are much appreciated by our Martian team members - it is so nice to have a cheering section in the stands during matchplay!

We are off to the World Championship next week - held at the America's Center and Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis, Missouri!

NOTE: to view previous blog entries, click on the "older posts" link at the bottom right.  

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